SALE 12/26/2024
Check out our Winter and End of Christmas specials and new products on Facebook and Instagram or just stop by.
Check out Facebook and Instagrams for all sales
A.B.Seed – Farmers Market Garden Center
SALE 12/26/2024
Check out our Winter and End of Christmas specials and new products on Facebook and Instagram or just stop by.
Check out Facebook and Instagrams for all sales
Interested in joining our team. Stop by and fill out an application.
Interested in Joining our team. Stop by and fill out an application.
SALE 1/31/2024
Click on our sales tab for updated sales
SALE 2/6/2023
No current sales
We will be open:
Christmas Eve 8am-3pm
Christmas Day CLOSED
New Year’s Eve 8am-3pm
New Year’s Day 9am-3pm
Then starting January 2nd we will switch to our Winter Hours of Monday-Saturday 9am-5pm and Sunday 9am-5pm.